“The Project and the Surprise: Invisible, ‘ Sensitive Space ’ and Meanings in Writing and Reading Stories“
su NEW WRITING: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 06.03.2015 – DOI: 10.1080/14790726.2015.1016042
Presentato a Torino, alla IGEL Conference 2014, The Project and the Surprise: invisible, ‘sensitive space’ and meanings in writing and reading stories (Il Progetto e la Sorpresa: invisibile, ‘spazio sensibile’ e significati nella scrittura e nella lettura di storie) ripercorre, a vent’anni dall’ideazione del progetto, l’esperienza di “Bartleby – Pratiche della Scrittura e della Lettura“, introducendo pedagogie e strumenti inediti e soffermandosi con rigore ma non senza ironia e originalità su alcune dinamiche della fruizione e della produzione di testi letterari, osservate in due decenni di insegnamento della scrittura creativa e della scrittura per il teatro.
This collection of empirical observations argues for a more flexible and receptive approach to the dynamics of production and participation in fiction and literary texts. Sketching out both the actors in and the stages of these activities from a bird’s eye view, this paper explores their relationships, plunging into the multi-layered nature of texts. Additionally, its ecological orientation takes up a new challenge, that is, to grasp the inescapable role played by the Invisible in the devising and creation of stories. Outlined within a framework of practical tests and best practices, the hypothesis of a sensitive space together with its features, summarised by the triad simultaneity-compresence-multiplicity, allows sensing, in the symbolic guise of stop-motion frames or watermarks, the intense activity of the meanings that filter through the gestures of writing and reading stories.
From the Escalator to a Copepod-shaped Module?
Just a foreword
Roots of a Critical Issue
Mezzanine and first floor
Sensing the Invisible
Or, we really had better ride a copepod
Meanings at Work
Are dreamers ahead?
Great Expectations
A sample for managing literary and creative multi-layered processes
Venturing into the ‘Sensitive Space’
A floor flourishing
The Idiot’s Method
Or, what is purported to be such
The ‘Whom of the Who’
As well as its reverse, by following the auroral chain of questions
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